Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lindy Ballpoint Pens

Last time I talked about the vintage fountain pens I’ve found at estate sales.  I love the way they write; each one seems to have its own personality.  However, during college I discovered that they’re not without their drawbacks.  Fountain pens tended to explode in my purse or backpack, or drip blobs of ink on my compositions, so I got through my classes with a quiver full of Lindy stick ballpoint pens in every length and color they made.  I saved the fountain pens for letter-writing at home.

I was pleasantly surprised when I found a shoe box full of Lindy pens in lots of shapes, sizes and colors at a recent estate sale.   I happily bought the lot, only to get the box home and discover that, of course, most of those old ballpoint pens didn't write anymore.  I figured I could buy refills for some of them, but what to do with the others?

Remembering my friend Peggy’s conviction, “No matter what it is, someone collects it!”  I went online to search for “Lindy Pens” and discovered a wonderful blog by a man named George, who is a pen collector.  http://mysupplyroom.blogspot.com/  (And I thought I had a lot of pens!...)  George’s blog says that Lindy pens were popular in the 1950s-1970s but a lot of them were not refillable and thus didn’t make it to the 21st century.   The company went out of business in the 1990s.  George helped me find homes for many of the Lindys in the box, and most of the remaining pens (except the few I’m keeping) ended up in his massive collection.  (One of my convictions is that collectible items belong with people who can appreciate them.)  I still have a few for sale on eBay.

Based on the number and variety of Lindy pens that I found at the estate sale – including factory samples and seconds – our guess is that the previous owner must have either worked at the Lindy factory or had a good friend who did.  The previous owner must have had a good sense of humor, too – because in the box of pens I also found this creature, made from removable metal clips on the Lindy pens.


  1. Looks like Bevo to me!

  2. We used them in fourth grade while learning cursive I loved them and the special glossy paper we were issued I had every color they made my favorite was the pink one.

  3. I still have a few from the 70s and they still work. A little piece of my heart dies each time one dries up (empties) and I throw it away.

  4. Take a flame from a match to the nub of the pen. Don't leave it exposed to the flame too long or it will melt all, but it will more likely work after that, especially if you run that pen in circles for a few seconds to see if that melted the ink.

  5. Does anyone know when Lindy first introduced the "non standard" (blue, black, red, green) ballpoint pens? I'm trying to figure out when the pink, purple, orange, etc. came out.

  6. Does anyone know where I can find lindy pens?

  7. My Daddy was an architect and he had all kinds of knowledge about the best pens and pencils. One day when I was a kid I asked him how he came up with my name. He said his most favorite pen was called a "Lindy" pen, so I named you after a that. But, I just changed the spelling of it to "Lyndie". So, that's the story of how I got my name.
