Friday, March 7, 2014

Plans for a Plywood Santa Claus

Almost every home has a "junk drawer" in the kitchen -- the place where things that seem to have no other logical place, are stored.  At an estate sale, the junk drawer is often a place where interesting and unusual items have been stored, sometimes for decades.

Like this Popular Mechanics full-size pattern for a plywood Santa Claus, to decorate the family front yard at Christmastime.  I believe it dates to the 1960s.

Popular Mechanics readers could often find scale drawings of woodworking designs inside the magazines themselves, but I haven't seen too many of the full-size patterns that could be ordered.  This one came inside an envelope that also served as an advertisement for other New Full Size Patterns. 

You could make everything from kids' toys to furniture to a rowboat, a cupola or wooden valances,using one of their handy patterns.

But whoever ordered this Santa pattern apparently never got around to using it.  Old Saint Nick appears never to have been unfolded from the packaging.  The best-laid plans....

I didn't have the heart (or nerve) to unfold him all the way out.  I'll put the pattern on eBay and let someone who collects mid-century Christmas items have the honor.  And that way they'll have about nine months to get out to the workshop to get Santa ready for his appearance next December.

The blog Family Christmas Online has some great information on outdoor Christmas decorations from the 1960s:

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